Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Hire a Ghostwriter You Trust (in 10 Simple Steps)

How to Hire a Ghostwriter You Trust (in 10 Simple Steps) How to Find a Ghostwriter You'll Love (in 10 Simple Steps) Last updated: 3/29/2018Learning how to hire  a ghostwriter for your project can be daunting for some. Working on a book with another person is about sharing thoughts and opinions, solving problems and mind-melding. It can all add up to a somewhat intimate experience - and finding someone you  can trust with that connection (who also has the experience to pull off your book) isn't easy. If you approach the ghost-hunting process in the right way, you'll eventually land yourself with an amazing collaborator. And with this post, acclaimed ghost  Toni Robino will show you how to do it right.Step 1. Know what to expectToni Robino is one of North America’s most sought-after â€Å"ghosts† and collaborators for leading publishers, with titles on the New York Times best-seller list. In addition to writing, she teaches BookWalk: Journey from Dream to Publication, a virtual writing program where new authors learn how to write their best books - step-by-step.If you have any other questions or thoughts, just drop us a message in the comments below.

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