Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Beginning Of Civilizations On Education - 1026 Words

The world we live in today is a very good example of a dystopia. Problems have riddled our societies from race fighting, to bigotry, and even mocking people for choices about their bodies or genders. There are many choices that have led to both the causes and the effects of what we live in now. Many people are discussing how to turn our current situations around, this is how I will accomplish these goals in my utopia. The beginning of civilizations starts on education, as future generations are taught the ideals and beliefs of a society; this leads me to take the same exact step in implementing my strategy. Basic education will be very similar to the current American system through high school. Education will start with a strict adherence and following of my former credo. Continued education through college will be payed for, but only for the most intelligent of the populace. The less intelligent will be allowed to attend trade schools, or apprenticeships in any type of labor job. Ou tside learning on one’s own time is highly encouraged to continue to grow overall as a person, which also elevates a person religiously. Not only for that reason but also to be able to get into college if they don’t want to have to go to technical school, or if they want to achieve a high position in the military. Fighting and the establishment of militaries have been around pretty much as long as there have been disagreements about different things. People are constantly fighting, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of An Education During The Beginnings Of Civilizations Around The World Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pages The importance of an education has increasingly been promoted throughout the beginnings of civilizations around the world. During the early centuries, there was a push in order to achieve advancements in technologies and improve everyday life. Another reason was in regards to religious faith, to become informed about those practices and ways to reach s alvation. 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